
 Environmental Policy - Commitment to Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Kurnia Aerial Photography is committed to helping deliver an environmentally sustainable media production industry. We seek to better understand and manage our impact, implementing initiatives to act on our opportunity to make a meaningful difference.

Power and batteries

All our equipment is powered by rechargeable batteries. To assist in charging we have fitted a split charge relay system to our vehicle so when the vehicle is used it charges a 260AH gel battery. Fitted to the battery is a 4kw pure sine wave inverter to give us a 240v power supply enough for a days filming.

Batteries are often charged in the vehicle whilst driving from a shoot meaning that we produce our own energy from our vehicle rather than use the mains electricity back at our office.


To enable our crew to stay refreshed we have fitted a bean to cup coffee machine within our vehicle powered from the 260AH battery and inverter. We also have a kettle for those who prefer a cup of tea, or other hot drink. The expired coffee grounds are used as a fertiliser as they contain several key nutrients required for plant growth. They can also help attract worms and decrease the concentrations of heavy metals in the soil.

Where crew re-usable cups are not available, we use paper cups that are double wall/triple layer construction that helps in maintaining the temperature. They are made from premium quality paper and are compostable and completely recyclable.

Re-usable bottles are used for our fresh water supply.

To add to this, we have individual wrapped wooden compostable cutlery which are 100% compostable. This ensures that if our crew are eating whilst on a shot and need a knife and fork or spoon, they do not have to use single use plastic cutlery that may not be recyclable.

Care is taken to ensure all recyclable waste is kept separate from any general waste and each disposed of accordingly.

Office facilities

Our main office uses low energy LED lights and low energy screens. Printing of documents is kept to a minimum with documents being viewed on iPads and computers. Computers and screens are set to enter sleep mode if not used for 15 minutes. Our main office is within an eco friendly building which includes hot water being heated by solar panels, argon filled double glazed windows, rainwater harvesting for toilets and a mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) system.

Stock footage

To assist in reducing travel we try and gather stock footage whilst on the road. The footage collected is then loaded to platforms such as Pond5 for other production companies to use thus reducing their travelling to locations for general views.